Our project, Stickers For Society, is still going well; not much has changed since our last blog post. We are continuing to sell our November collection, with all of the proceeds going to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. In addition to the November collection, we are still selling the Social Justice and Zoo collections, which we will continue to update throughout the year.
We are currently working on advertising more on our various social media platforms to help bring more visitors to our site. We are also working on how we can raise a greater profit through Redbubble. At this point, we are debating whether to continue through Redbubble or switch to a site that helps us earn more money from each of our sales, leading to more donations.
Our next step is to continue to promote our November Collection as we begin to create our designs for next month. Additionally, we will be seeing if our club got charted this week. This would allow us to have more help in creating designs and making sales. Looking further into the future, we will continue to research and create designs for our year's cause lineup.
Our project is greatly focussed on the leadership pillar of Modeling the Way. By introducing customers to different nonprofits through appealing designs, we hope that they will continue to support and educate themselves on these topics. We hope to create a foundation that others are inspired to build off of in the future.
We are excited for the future of Stickers For Society, and to see what the upcoming weeks will hold.
Wow! I love the aesthetic of your stickers and this website! You briefly mentioned that you are getting the club chartered, so what is your next step after it is chartered? How do you plan to expand your network?
This looks so good so far! Your site is very cute but professional looking and I love the different designs of the stickers. Will you be releasing a December collection soon and will it go to a different cause?
I love the puns on the stickers as well as the simplicity to them, very eye catching. I think your idea of taking your profit and donating it is a great way for people to get involved in your platform. If you find a new place to sell the stickers will you keep them available on Redbubble as well? Do the stickers come in different sizes?
I love the design of your site! Also, the designs you make are really cute and the purpose behind it is wonderful. How will you reach out to more people? Is each collection a different donation to a different cause? - Kate L.
You guys! I am blown away by this project. Your site is beautiful and you have really begun a wonderful and legit business. Thank you for the time and energy you have put into this. Great job and I can not wait to see where this goes!
In a future post, I would love to hear more actual numbers for sales and profit. Just mostly out of curiosity. I also like that you are considering if your partnership with Redbubble is the right choice. In addition, have you tagged/reached out to the various causes you are donating to? They may be willing to help drive traffic to your stickers. Please keep up the good work and I am so excited…