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Color of Change is an organization that works to end racial injustice by creating unique campaigns to end practices that are unfairly hurting the black community. This organization is composed of 7 million people that want to challenge world leaders to change the pattern of racial bias around the world. Color of Change specifically works to stop anti-black violence, to implement fair sentencing, to decriminalize poverty, and to tackle many more difficult but important issues. Color of Change has become the nation's largest online racial justice organization, and we are happy to help continue to spread awareness about this organization and their causes. We are excited to help raise money for Color of Change through our February collection. As always, we encourage you to do your own research on this organization and others in order to fully educate yourself on this pressing issue. Check out their website to learn more about their organization and programs.



As many as 1 in 7 runaways reported to the national center for missing and exploited children are victims of sex-trafficking. With new technology being constantly developed it is becoming increasingly easy to exploit children online. Thorn has found that 63% of missing children had been advertised online. This dark side of the web is continuously growing, and thorn works to develop new technologies to combat this issue. Thorn not only works to create these new technologies, but they also actively share their finding with the public in order to create awareness. In 2016 thorn created spotlight, a new technology that is actively being used by law enforcement. It works by speeding up the victim identification period which is one of the most crucial time slots when dealing with missing children.  With this they are able to identify up to 10 children daily and work on bringing them home safely. All donations to thorn are used to protect children from sex-trafficking by developing technologies like spotlight. We are excited to help raise money for Thorn through our January collection. Check out their website to learn more about their organization and programs.



Poverty is a problem that is currently plaguing the United States. Around 15 million American children are currently living in poverty. Toys for Tots seeks to help those who struggle with this problem during the holiday season  Their mission is to provide new toys to economically disadvantaged children as holiday gifts. They do this by collecting toys from communities around the United States and also accepting monetary donations through their website. These gifts provide hope to the children and boost their self esteem. Toys for Tots wants to show children that things will get better. Toys For Tots has had a profound impact on our country since it was founded in 1947, as the organization has donated 584 million toys to 265 million children to date.. We are excited to help raise money for the Toys For Tots through our December collection. Check out their website to learn more about their organization and programs.



Hunger is a problem that is currently gripping Los Angeles. It is estimated that 2 million people living in LA live with food insecurity. This means that 1 in 5 people are unsure of where their next meal is coming from. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank seeks to help those who struggle with this problem. Their mission is to mobilize resources to fight hunger in our local community. They do this through donating food to the needy, encouraging the community to get involved to support hunger relief, and conducting hunger education campaigns. The Los Angeles Regional Food Bank has had a profound impact on our community, as they have donated more than 1.2 billion pounds of food since 1973. We are excited to help raise money for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank through our November collection. Check out their website to learn more about their programs.

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